These days Unity isn't any different: it's a shitty engine that still lets people make games very quickly. Chosen by top developers including 2K Games, Tencent, Firaxis, Sony, Shanda, and NCsoft, Gamebryo has been proven a solid and reliable foundation for numerous successful. But if you're making a game and actually want it profitable, you most likely can't afford very good coders, in a huge number, and keep them employed for years. Gamebryo Technology This mature engine simplifies development by providing a complete toolset, flexible workflow, rapid prototyping capabilities and a high-performance runtime.
Same as code optimization: it requires very good programmers and lots of time.

The problem with Bethesda is that the technical expertise was very low, as most of the attention was on content production, not tech. These days ALL games are based on existing code of some sort, so all games are based in one way or another on "middleware". It lets you go right to what matters, without spending years to code everything from zero. So why game companies use middleware very often? Because it's the fastest, least expensive way to make a game. Not only you had Gamebryo, but also SpeedTree for vegetation, and the face middleware that produced that HORROR that was the faces. Gamebryo in particular was bad because of very bad memory management, and because Oblivion was layered with terrible middleware on top of each other. Some people will say that the scope of the games do not lend themselves to such an involved engine. The guns felt so good in wolfenstein, why can't that feeling be replicated with magic/swords? I want something with the engine of wolfenstein, but for first person magic/melee. It just doesn't feel visceral or affective. I don't believe anyone that tells me the combat is good in these games. It is very clear this engine is limiting. The minute I took control of my character, I knew, it was just an uprezzed oblivion. I told myself that it was going to be something new and fresh, or that the changes they made changes the jank. I was very excited for Skyrim, only to find out that it was on the gambryo engine. What we need to talk about: how much it sucks/how limiting it is, and how badly Bethesda need to use a new engine for the next installment of Elder Scrolls/Fallout. My experience with it started with Morrowwind and continued to Oblivion and Skyrim. So how does this change the way I should model this - can I divide the ship into two halves, each less than 64000 polys, and then put them together later? Maybe I could continue doing the model like normal and aim for 128000, and split it in two before exporting? How do I join them later, in Skyrim's CS, or some third-party program?Īlso, I only have 65 polys for half of the ship before converting to editable poly.If you don't know what it is, it is the game engine Bethesda has used for (what seems like) all of the modern 3d polygonal elder scrolls games. The models I'm making have a deadline (this is part of school) so I'm in a bit of a hurry, and just want to get the models done as soon as possible.
I see - I don't know anything about how to export to this Nif format or how to get it into the game, but I'd like to learn about that later. One other thing to remember is that the Nif format has a limit of 64K polys for a single Nitristrip(shape) so if going over that limit you will need to make some parts of the model using separate tristrips. There'll probably be a bunch of these next to each other in the mod.

I've googled this and found nothing, so what's a reasonable value to aim for? This is a pretty large model, about 30 meters in length, 3 meters in height (without the sail) and 6 meters in width. In fact, the model doesn't look much worse than 30 steps until I'm below 20, though some edges are slightly more blurry at 20 compared to 30, however these 10 steps decrease the poly count by about 20000.

When I reduce the amount of steps of the surface modifier to 30 (seemingly doesn't affect the appearance at all when compared to 100 steps), I only get 62465 polygons. Keep in mind that this is only half the ship, which I'm going to mirror later. Since my computer kind of starts to lag now, I reckon this is way too much. After having surfaced it and using 100 steps (maximum amount of polys), I get 663065 polygons when converting it to an editable poly. I made it using a spline cage and using the surface modifier.
I'm currently making a Viking house and ship (the ones in the game weren't very accurate) for a future mod I'm planning to make and they are pretty complex, especially the ship. Answer: We know that the next two games (Elderscrolls V and Starfield) are using the Creation engine as used in The Elder Scrolls IV Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76. I'm a beginner at modeling, using 3ds Max.